A Few Quick Tips to Keep You On Track This Thanksgiving!
Kick-off Your Day with a Balanced Breakfast
Skipping meals to save up calories usually sets you up for making poor choices later in the day due to feeling extremely hungry, ultimately backfiring on you.
Start Hydrating Early and Stay Consistent Throughout the Day
Not only is water important for every system of the body but thirst can be misinterpreted as hunger. Set yourself up well by focusing on water!
Do Something Active
It's important to move your body every day but even more so on a day that is based around many indulgences. Balance things out a bit by making a workout (even if short) a priority as well.
Have a Protein-rich Snack Before Heading to (or Hosting) the Festivities
Beginning the fun hungry and surrounded by calorie and fat-dense appetizers is setting you up for failure. Head in with a satisfied stomach so you can nibble consciously, rather than dive in.
Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner but be Strategic
Start with protein, veggies, and salad. Try to fill at least 3/4 of your plate up with those items first. Then leave 1/4 for your favorite sides. Man o man, those sides can add up to be even heavier than your favorite dessert, with lots of hidden calories and fat.
Wait At Least 15 Mins Before Considering Dessert.
Sometimes you're full and satisfied but it takes your brain some time to catch up with your stomach. Dessert should be enjoyed if desired, just watch the portion.